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Android TypedArray 源碼詳解



TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,R.styleable.myaccount_item_style);


public TypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(AttributeSet set,  
        int[] attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {  
    final int len = attrs.length;  
    final TypedArray array = TypedArray.obtain(Resources.this, len);  

    // XXX note that for now we only work with compiled XML files.  
    // To support generic XML files we will need to manually parse  
    // out the attributes from the XML file (applying type information  
    // contained in the resources and such).  
    final XmlBlock.Parser parser = (XmlBlock.Parser)set;  
    AssetManager.applyStyle(mTheme, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes,  
            parser != null ? parser.mParseState : 0, attrs, array.mData, array.mIndices);  

    array.mTheme = this;  
    array.mXml = parser;  

    return array;  


static TypedArray obtain(Resources res, int len) {  
    final TypedArray attrs = res.mTypedArrayPool.acquire();  
    if (attrs != null) {  
        attrs.mLength = len;  
        attrs.mRecycled = false;  

        final int fullLen = len * AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;  
        if (attrs.mData.length >= fullLen) {  
            return attrs;  

        attrs.mData = new int[fullLen];  
        attrs.mIndices = new int[1 + len];  
        return attrs;  

    return new TypedArray(res,  
            new int[len*AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES],  
            new int[1+len], len);  


final int N = a.getIndexCount();  
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {  
    int attr = a.getIndex(i);  
    switch (attr) {  
            background = a.getDrawable(attr);  


/*package*/ TypedArray(Resources resources, int[] data, int[] indices, int len) {  
    mResources = resources;  
    mMetrics = mResources.mMetrics;  
    mAssets = mResources.mAssets;  
    mData = data;  
    mIndices = indices;  
    mLength = len;  


/*package*/ static final int STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES = 6;  
/*package*/ static final int STYLE_TYPE = 0;  
/*package*/ static final int STYLE_DATA = 1;  
/*package*/ static final int STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE = 2;  
/*package*/ static final int STYLE_RESOURCE_ID = 3;  
/*package*/ static final int STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS = 4;  
/*package*/ static final int STYLE_DENSITY = 5;


/** The type held by this value, as defined by the constants here. 
 *  This tells you how to interpret the other fields in the object. */  
public int type;  

/** If the value holds a string, this is it. */  
public CharSequence string;  

/** Basic data in the value, interpreted according to {@link #type} */  
public int data;  

/** Additional information about where the value came from; only 
 *  set for strings. */  
public int assetCookie;  

/** If Value came from a resource, this holds the corresponding resource id. */  
public int resourceId;  

/** If Value came from a resource, these are the configurations for which 
 *  its contents can change. */  
public int changingConfigurations = -1;  

 * If the Value came from a resource, this holds the corresponding pixel density. 
 * */  
public int density;


 * Return the number of values in this array. 
public int length() {  
    if (mRecycled) {  
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");  

    return mLength;  

 * Return the number of indices in the array that actually have data. 
public int getIndexCount() {  
    if (mRecycled) {  
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");  

    return mIndices[0];  

第一個length返回的是我們所定義屬性的個數,因為這個參數是在構造函數中賦值的,傳遞的是int[] attrs的長度,而這個sttrs就是我們在attrs文件中自定義屬性的時候在R文件中自動生成的一個數組。而下面的getIndexCount()方法返回的是我們所使用的屬性個數,因為mIndices的數據是從xml文件中提取的,第一個位置保存的是我們使用屬性的個數,後面的位置就是我們使用的自定義屬性在R文件中生成的id,在看一個方法,也是自定義的時候常用到的

public int getIndex(int at) {  
    if (mRecycled) {  
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");  

    return mIndices[1+at];  


<declare-styleable name="CustomTheme">  
    <attr name="textView1" format="string" />  
    <attr name="textView2" format="boolean" />  
    <attr name="textView3" format="integer" />  
    <attr name="textView4" format="float" />  
    <attr name="textView5" format="color" />  
    <attr name="textView6" format="dimension" />  
    <attr name="textView7" format="fraction" />  
    <attr name="textView8" format="reference" />  
    <attr name="textView9" format="enum" />  
    <attr name="textView10" format="flags" />  


private CharSequence loadStringValueAt(int index) {  
    final int[] data = mData;  
    final int cookie = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE];  
    if (cookie < 0) {  
        if (mXml != null) {  
            return mXml.getPooledString(  
        return null;  
    return mAssets.getPooledStringForCookie(cookie, data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA]);  


private boolean getValueAt(int index, TypedValue outValue) {  
    final int[] data = mData;  
    final int type = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_TYPE];  
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {  
        return false;  
    outValue.type = type; = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA];  
    outValue.assetCookie = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE];  
    outValue.resourceId = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_RESOURCE_ID];  
    outValue.changingConfigurations = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS];  
    outValue.density = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DENSITY];  
    outValue.string = (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) ? loadStringValueAt(index) : null;  
    return true;  


/** Additional information about where the value came from; only 
 *  set for strings. */  
public int assetCookie;


/** The <var>string</var> field holds string data.  In addition, if 
 *  <var>data</var> is non-zero then it is the string block 
 *  index of the string and <var>assetCookie</var> is the set of 
 *  assets the string came from. */  
public static final int TYPE_STRING = 0x03;


/*package*/ final CharSequence getPooledStringForCookie(int cookie, int id) {  
    // Cookies map to string blocks starting at 1.  
    return mStringBlocks[cookie - 1].get(id);

我們來看一下是怎麼從xml中解析的,看到上面的obtainStyledAttributes方法,會發現這樣一段代碼 array.mXml = parser;其中parser就是View及其子類在初始化的時候傳遞的AttributeSet,我們在前面的《Android LayoutInflater源碼分析及使用(二)》中講到,View及其子類創建的時候是通過反射來初始化的,我們來回顧一下

public final View createView(String name, String prefix, AttributeSet attrs)  
         throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException {  
     Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);  
     Class<? extends View> clazz = null;  

     try {  
             constructor = clazz.getConstructor(mConstructorSignature);  

         Object[] args = mConstructorArgs;  
         args[1] = attrs;  

         final View view = constructor.newInstance(args);  
         return view;  

     } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {  
     } finally {  


/*package*/ XmlResourceParser loadXmlResourceParser(int id, String type)  
        throws NotFoundException {  
    synchronized (mAccessLock) {  
        TypedValue value = mTmpValue;  
        if (value == null) {  
            mTmpValue = value = new TypedValue();  
        getValue(id, value, true);  
        if (value.type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {  
            return loadXmlResourceParser(value.string.toString(), id,  
                    value.assetCookie, type);  
        throw new NotFoundException(  
                "Resource ID #0x" + Integer.toHexString(id) + " type #0x"  
                + Integer.toHexString(value.type) + " is not valid");  

剩下的就是涉及到Xml的解析,這裡就不在作深入探討,言歸正傳,還回到剛才的loadStringValueAt方法,如果緩存中存在就從緩存中去,如果不存在就通過xml解析獲取。下面在看一下一些常用的方法,其中getText(int index)和getString(int index)差不多,我們就來看一下getString(int index)方法

public String getString(int index) {  
    if (mRecycled) {  
        throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make calls to a recycled instance!");  

    index *= AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;  
    final int[] data = mData;  
    final int type = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_TYPE];  
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {  
        return null;  
    } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {  
        return loadStringValueAt(index).toString();  

    TypedValue v = mValue;  
    if (getValueAt(index, v)) {  
        Log.w(Resources.TAG, "Converting to string: " + v);  
        CharSequence cs = v.coerceToString();  
        return cs != null ? cs.toString() : null;  
    Log.w(Resources.TAG, "getString of bad type: 0x"  
          + Integer.toHexString(type));  
    return null;  


public int getInt(int index, int defValue) {  
    index *= AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;  
    final int[] data = mData;  
    final int type = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_TYPE];  
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {  
        return defValue;  
    } else if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT  
        && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {  
        return data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA];  

    TypedValue v = mValue;  
    if (getValueAt(index, v)) {  
        Log.w(Resources.TAG, "Converting to int: " + v);  
        return XmlUtils.convertValueToInt(  
            v.coerceToString(), defValue);  
    Log.w(Resources.TAG, "getInt of bad type: 0x"  
          + Integer.toHexString(type));  
    return defValue;  


/** Identifies the start of integer values that were specified as 
 *  color constants (starting with '#'). */  
public static final int TYPE_FIRST_COLOR_INT = 0x1c;  

/** The <var>data</var> field holds a color that was originally 
 *  specified as #aarrggbb. */  
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB8 = 0x1c;  
/** The <var>data</var> field holds a color that was originally 
 *  specified as #rrggbb. */  
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB8 = 0x1d;  
/** The <var>data</var> field holds a color that was originally 
 *  specified as #argb. */  
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_ARGB4 = 0x1e;  
/** The <var>data</var> field holds a color that was originally 
 *  specified as #rgb. */  
public static final int TYPE_INT_COLOR_RGB4 = 0x1f;  

/** Identifies the end of integer values that were specified as color 
 *  constants. */  
public static final int TYPE_LAST_COLOR_INT = 0x1f;  

/** Identifies the end of plain integer values. */  
public static final int TYPE_LAST_INT = 0x1f;


public static final int  
convertValueToInt(CharSequence charSeq, int defaultValue)  
    if (null == charSeq)  
        return defaultValue;  

    String nm = charSeq.toString();  

    // XXX This code is copied from Integer.decode() so we don't  
    // have to instantiate an Integer!  

    int value;  
    int sign = 1;  
    int index = 0;  
    int len = nm.length();  
    int base = 10;  

    if ('-' == nm.charAt(0)) {  
        sign = -1;  

    if ('0' == nm.charAt(index)) {  
        //  Quick check for a zero by itself  
        if (index == (len - 1))  
            return 0;  

        char    c = nm.charAt(index + 1);  

        if ('x' == c || 'X' == c) {  
            index += 2;  
            base = 16;  
        } else {  
            base = 8;  
    else if ('#' == nm.charAt(index))  
        base = 16;  

    return Integer.parseInt(nm.substring(index), base) * sign;  


public int getColor(int index, int defValue) {  
    index *= AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;  
    final int[] data = mData;  
    final int type = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_TYPE];  
    if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_NULL) {  
        return defValue;  
    } else if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT  
        && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {  
        return data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA];  
    } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_STRING) {  
        final TypedValue value = mValue;  
        if (getValueAt(index, value)) {  
            ColorStateList csl = mResources.loadColorStateList(  
                    value, value.resourceId);  
            return csl.getDefaultColor();  
        return defValue;  

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can't convert to color: type=0x"  
            + Integer.toHexString(type));  


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<selector xmlns:android="">  

    <item android:state_pressed="true" android:color="@color/blue"/>  
    <item android:state_pressed="false" android:state_selected="true" android:color="@color/yellow"/>  
    <item android:state_pressed="false" android:state_selected="false" android:color="@color/green"/>  



public int getLayoutDimension(int index, String name) {  
    index *= AssetManager.STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;  
    final int[] data = mData;  
    final int type = data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_TYPE];  
    if (type >= TypedValue.TYPE_FIRST_INT  
            && type <= TypedValue.TYPE_LAST_INT) {  
        return data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA];  
    } else if (type == TypedValue.TYPE_DIMENSION) {  
        return TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize(  
            data[index+AssetManager.STYLE_DATA], mResources.mMetrics);  

    throw new RuntimeException(getPositionDescription()  
            + ": You must supply a " + name + " attribute.");  


protected void setBaseAttributes(TypedArray a, int widthAttr, int heightAttr) {  
    width = a.getLayoutDimension(widthAttr, "layout_width");  
    height = a.getLayoutDimension(heightAttr, "layout_height");  

其中獲取到的值有3種,一種是精確的我們給的大於0的,一種是-1(MATCH_PARENT),另一種是-2(WRAP_CONTENT),記得在講到《Android LayoutInflater源碼分析及使用(二)》的時候說到,xml的屬性除了寬和高以外在初始化的時候基本上都能提取到,但寬和高是不行的,因為他是最終計算出來的,如果大家自定義View繼承View的時候,要必須重寫onMeasure方法,重新計算他的寬和高,如果我們不計算,當我們使用MATCH_PARENT或WRAP_CONTENT屬性的時候,結果是完全一樣的,尺寸都是填滿剩下的屏幕,如果不重寫onMeasure方法,在xml文件中把他的寬和高都寫死也行,但這樣不夠靈活,我們來看一下為什麼要重寫

public static int getDefaultSize(int size, int measureSpec) {  
    int result = size;  
    int specMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(measureSpec);  
    int specSize = MeasureSpec.getSize(measureSpec);  

    switch (specMode) {  
    case MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED:  
        result = size;  
    case MeasureSpec.AT_MOST:  
    case MeasureSpec.EXACTLY:  
        result = specSize;  
    return result;  


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