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android Gui系統之SurfaceFlinger(5),androidgui系統


android Gui系統之SurfaceFlinger(5),androidgui系統



void SurfaceFlinger::handleMessageRefresh() {
    preComposition();  //合成前的准備
#ifdef QCOM_BSP
    doComposition();  //正式合成工作
    postComposition(); //合成的後期工作


9.1 handlerMessageInvalidate

invalidate 字面意思就是使無效,更進一步就是當前的buffer已經無限,請刷新界面。


void SurfaceFlinger::handleMessageInvalidate() {


bool SurfaceFlinger::handlePageFlip() { Region dirtyRegion; bool visibleRegions = false; const LayerVector& layers(mDrawingState.layersSortedByZ); bool frameQueued = false; // Store the set of layers that need updates. This set must not change as // buffers are being latched, as this could result in a deadlock. // Example: Two producers share the same command stream and: // 1.) Layer 0 is latched // 2.) Layer 0 gets a new frame // 2.) Layer 1 gets a new frame // 3.) Layer 1 is latched. // Display is now waiting on Layer 1's frame, which is behind layer 0's // second frame. But layer 0's second frame could be waiting on display. Vector<Layer*> layersWithQueuedFrames; for (size_t i = 0, count = layers.size(); i<count ; i++) { const sp<Layer>& layer(layers[i]); if (layer->hasQueuedFrame()) { frameQueued = true; if (layer->shouldPresentNow(mPrimaryDispSync)) { layersWithQueuedFrames.push_back(layer.get()); } } } for (size_t i = 0, count = layersWithQueuedFrames.size() ; i<count ; i++) { Layer* layer = layersWithQueuedFrames[i]; const Region dirty(layer->latchBuffer(visibleRegions)); const Layer::State& s(layer->getDrawingState()); invalidateLayerStack(s.layerStack, dirty); } mVisibleRegionsDirty |= visibleRegions; // If we will need to wake up at some time in the future to deal with a // queued frame that shouldn't be displayed during this vsync period, wake // up during the next vsync period to check again. if (frameQueued && layersWithQueuedFrames.empty()) { signalLayerUpdate(); } // Only continue with the refresh if there is actually new work to do return !layersWithQueuedFrames.empty(); } handlePageFlip


@step1:layer->latchBuffer(visibleRegions) 通過該函數鎖定各layer的緩沖區。可以理解這個函數一定與BufferQueue有關。


status_t updateResult = mSurfaceFlingerConsumer->updateTexImage(&r,


// Acquire the next buffer.
    // In asynchronous mode the list is guaranteed to be one buffer
    // deep, while in synchronous mode we use the oldest buffer.
    err = acquireBufferLocked(&item, computeExpectedPresent(dispSync));
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        if (err == BufferQueue::NO_BUFFER_AVAILABLE) {
            err = NO_ERROR;
        } else if (err == BufferQueue::PRESENT_LATER) {
            // return the error, without logging
        } else {
            ALOGE("updateTexImage: acquire failed: %s (%d)",
                strerror(-err), err);
        return err;

    // We call the rejecter here, in case the caller has a reason to
    // not accept this buffer.  This is used by SurfaceFlinger to
    // reject buffers which have the wrong size
    int buf = item.mBuf;
    if (rejecter && rejecter->reject(mSlots[buf].mGraphicBuffer, item)) {
        releaseBufferLocked(buf, mSlots[buf].mGraphicBuffer, EGL_NO_SYNC_KHR);
        return NO_ERROR;

    // Release the previous buffer.
    err = updateAndReleaseLocked(item);
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        return err;


1)  請求新的buffer





9.2 preComposition 合成前的准備

 首先來看2個Vsync Rate相關的代碼:

virtual void setVsyncRate(uint32_t count)
virtual void requestNextVsync() 

當count為1時,表示每個信號都要報告,當count =2 時,表示信號 一個間隔一個報告,當count =0時,表示不自動報告,除非主動觸發requestNextVsync

void SurfaceFlinger::preComposition()
    bool needExtraInvalidate = false;
    const LayerVector& layers(mDrawingState.layersSortedByZ);
    const size_t count = layers.size();
    for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) {
        if (layers[i]->onPreComposition()) {
            needExtraInvalidate = true;
    if (needExtraInvalidate) {



2)每個layer onPrecomposition

3) layer update

bool Layer::onPreComposition() {
    mRefreshPending = false;
    return mQueuedFrames > 0 || mSidebandStreamChanged;

也就是說,當layer裡存放被queue的frame以後,就會出發layer update.

void SurfaceFlinger::signalLayerUpdate() {


void EventThread::Connection::requestNextVsync() {
void EventThread::requestNextVsync(
        const sp<EventThread::Connection>& connection) {
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    if (connection->count < 0) {
        connection->count = 0;



void EventThread::onVSyncEvent(nsecs_t timestamp) {
    Mutex::Autolock _l(mLock);
    mVSyncEvent[0].header.type = DisplayEventReceiver::DISPLAY_EVENT_VSYNC;
    mVSyncEvent[0] = 0;
    mVSyncEvent[0].header.timestamp = timestamp;



void SurfaceFlinger::rebuildLayerStacks() { #ifdef QCOM_BSP char prop[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("sys.extended_mode", prop, "0"); sExtendedMode = atoi(prop) ? true : false; #endif // rebuild the visible layer list per screen if (CC_UNLIKELY(mVisibleRegionsDirty)) { ATRACE_CALL(); mVisibleRegionsDirty = false; invalidateHwcGeometry(); const LayerVector& layers(mDrawingState.layersSortedByZ); for (size_t dpy=0 ; dpy<mDisplays.size() ; dpy++) { Region opaqueRegion; Region dirtyRegion; Vector< sp<Layer> > layersSortedByZ; const sp<DisplayDevice>& hw(mDisplays[dpy]); const Transform& tr(hw->getTransform()); const Rect bounds(hw->getBounds()); int dpyId = hw->getHwcDisplayId(); if (hw->isDisplayOn()) { SurfaceFlinger::computeVisibleRegions(dpyId, layers, hw->getLayerStack(), dirtyRegion, opaqueRegion); const size_t count = layers.size(); for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { const sp<Layer>& layer(layers[i]); const Layer::State& s(layer->getDrawingState()); Region drawRegion(tr.transform( layer->visibleNonTransparentRegion)); drawRegion.andSelf(bounds); if (!drawRegion.isEmpty()) { layersSortedByZ.add(layer); } } } hw->setVisibleLayersSortedByZ(layersSortedByZ); hw->undefinedRegion.set(bounds); hw->undefinedRegion.subtractSelf(tr.transform(opaqueRegion)); hw->dirtyRegion.orSelf(dirtyRegion); } } } rebuildLayerStacks



@step2:computeVisibleRegions這個函數根據所有的layer狀態,得到2個重要的變量。opaqueRegion & dirtyRegion

dirtyRegion是需要被刷新的。 opaqueRegion 不透明區域,應為layer是按Z-order排序的,左右排在前面的opaqueRegion 會擋住後面的layer。

@step3:Region drawRegion(tr.transform( layer->visibleNonTransparentRegion));程序需要進一步得出每個layer 繪制的區域。

系統的display(顯示器)可能不止一個,但是所有的layer都記錄在layersSortedByZ裡面。記錄每個layer屬於那個display的變量是 hw->getLayerStack()


這裡的不透明區域 是很有意義的一個概念,就是我們在Z-order 上,越靠近用戶的時候,值越大,所以是遞減操作。

9.4 setUpHWComposer 搭建環境

用於合成surface的功能模塊可以有2個,OpenGL ES & HWC,它的管理實在HWC裡面實現的。

setUpHWComposer 總的來說就干了3件事情。

1)構造Worklist,並且給DisplayData:list 申請空間



9.5 doCompostion

關鍵地方來了,上面的setUpHWComposer 只是交給HWC來負責顯示,真正顯示的地方就在這裡。





void SurfaceFlinger::doComposition() {
    const bool repaintEverything = android_atomic_and(0, &mRepaintEverything);
    for (size_t dpy=0 ; dpy<mDisplays.size() ; dpy++) {
        const sp<DisplayDevice>& hw(mDisplays[dpy]);
        if (hw->isDisplayOn()) {
            // transform the dirty region into this screen's coordinate space
            const Region dirtyRegion(hw->getDirtyRegion(repaintEverything));

            // repaint the framebuffer (if needed)
            doDisplayComposition(hw, dirtyRegion);


        // inform the h/w that we're done compositing

變量mRepaintEverything用於說明,是否需要全部重繪所有內容。如果為true的化,那麼dirtyRegion就是displaydevice的 width & height構成的RECT。


doDisplayComposition是每個Display來處理,有可能會用到OpenGL 的接口來交換buffer。

hw->compositionComplete(); 通知HWC合成結束了。

postFramebuffer HWC的Set接口調用。

9.5.1 doDisplayComposition

void SurfaceFlinger::doDisplayComposition(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw, const Region& inDirtyRegion) { // We only need to actually compose the display if: // 1) It is being handled by hardware composer, which may need this to // keep its virtual display state machine in sync, or // 2) There is work to be done (the dirty region isn't empty) bool isHwcDisplay = hw->getHwcDisplayId() >= 0; if (!isHwcDisplay && inDirtyRegion.isEmpty()) { return; } Region dirtyRegion(inDirtyRegion); // compute the invalid region hw->swapRegion.orSelf(dirtyRegion); uint32_t flags = hw->getFlags(); if (flags & DisplayDevice::SWAP_RECTANGLE) { // we can redraw only what's dirty, but since SWAP_RECTANGLE only // takes a rectangle, we must make sure to update that whole // rectangle in that case dirtyRegion.set(hw->swapRegion.bounds()); } else { if (flags & DisplayDevice::PARTIAL_UPDATES) { // We need to redraw the rectangle that will be updated // (pushed to the framebuffer). // This is needed because PARTIAL_UPDATES only takes one // rectangle instead of a region (see DisplayDevice::flip()) dirtyRegion.set(hw->swapRegion.bounds()); } else { // we need to redraw everything (the whole screen) dirtyRegion.set(hw->bounds()); hw->swapRegion = dirtyRegion; } } if (CC_LIKELY(!mDaltonize && !mHasColorMatrix)) { if (!doComposeSurfaces(hw, dirtyRegion)) return; } else { RenderEngine& engine(getRenderEngine()); mat4 colorMatrix = mColorMatrix; if (mDaltonize) { colorMatrix = colorMatrix * mDaltonizer(); } mat4 oldMatrix = engine.setupColorTransform(colorMatrix); doComposeSurfaces(hw, dirtyRegion); engine.setupColorTransform(oldMatrix); } // update the swap region and clear the dirty region hw->swapRegion.orSelf(dirtyRegion); // swap buffers (presentation) hw->swapBuffers(getHwComposer()); } doDisplayComposition






bool SurfaceFlinger::doComposeSurfaces(const sp<const DisplayDevice>& hw, const Region& dirty) { RenderEngine& engine(getRenderEngine()); const int32_t id = hw->getHwcDisplayId(); HWComposer& hwc(getHwComposer()); HWComposer::LayerListIterator cur = hwc.begin(id); const HWComposer::LayerListIterator end = hwc.end(id); Region clearRegion; bool hasGlesComposition = hwc.hasGlesComposition(id); const bool hasHwcComposition = hwc.hasHwcComposition(id); if (hasGlesComposition) { if (!hw->makeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, mEGLContext)) { ALOGW("DisplayDevice::makeCurrent failed. Aborting surface composition for display %s", hw->getDisplayName().string()); eglMakeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT); if(!getDefaultDisplayDevice()->makeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, mEGLContext)) { ALOGE("DisplayDevice::makeCurrent on default display failed. Aborting."); } return false; } // Never touch the framebuffer if we don't have any framebuffer layers if (hasHwcComposition) { // when using overlays, we assume a fully transparent framebuffer // NOTE: we could reduce how much we need to clear, for instance // remove where there are opaque FB layers. however, on some // GPUs doing a "clean slate" clear might be more efficient. // We'll revisit later if needed. if(!(mGpuTileRenderEnable && (mDisplays.size()==1))) engine.clearWithColor(0, 0, 0, 0); } else { // we start with the whole screen area const Region bounds(hw->getBounds()); // we remove the scissor part // we're left with the letterbox region // (common case is that letterbox ends-up being empty) const Region letterbox(bounds.subtract(hw->getScissor())); // compute the area to clear Region region(hw->undefinedRegion.merge(letterbox)); // but limit it to the dirty region region.andSelf(dirty); // screen is already cleared here #ifdef QCOM_BSP clearRegion.clear(); if(mGpuTileRenderEnable && (mDisplays.size()==1)) { clearRegion = region; if (cur == end) { drawWormhole(hw, region); } else if(mCanUseGpuTileRender) { /* If GPUTileRect DR optimization on clear only the UnionDR * (computed by computeTiledDr) which is the actual region * that will be drawn on FB in this cycle.. */ clearRegion = clearRegion.andSelf(Region(mUnionDirtyRect)); } } else #endif { if (!region.isEmpty()) { if (cur != end) { if (cur->getCompositionType() != HWC_BLIT) // can happen with SurfaceView drawWormhole(hw, region); } else drawWormhole(hw, region); } } } if (hw->getDisplayType() != DisplayDevice::DISPLAY_PRIMARY) { // just to be on the safe side, we don't set the // scissor on the main display. It should never be needed // anyways (though in theory it could since the API allows it). const Rect& bounds(hw->getBounds()); const Rect& scissor(hw->getScissor()); if (scissor != bounds) { // scissor doesn't match the screen's dimensions, so we // need to clear everything outside of it and enable // the GL scissor so we don't draw anything where we shouldn't // enable scissor for this frame const uint32_t height = hw->getHeight(); engine.setScissor(scissor.left, height - scissor.bottom, scissor.getWidth(), scissor.getHeight()); } } } /* * and then, render the layers targeted at the framebuffer */ const Vector< sp<Layer> >& layers(hw->getVisibleLayersSortedByZ()); const size_t count = layers.size(); const Transform& tr = hw->getTransform(); if (cur != end) { // we're using h/w composer #ifdef QCOM_BSP int fbWidth= hw->getWidth(); int fbHeight= hw->getHeight(); /* if GPUTileRender optimization property is on & can be used * i) Enable EGL_SWAP_PRESERVED flag * ii) do startTile with union DirtyRect * else , Disable EGL_SWAP_PRESERVED */ if(mGpuTileRenderEnable && (mDisplays.size()==1)) { if(mCanUseGpuTileRender && !mUnionDirtyRect.isEmpty()) { hw->eglSwapPreserved(true); Rect dr = mUnionDirtyRect; engine.startTileComposition(dr.left, (fbHeight-dr.bottom), (dr.right-dr.left), (, 0); } else { // Un Set EGL_SWAP_PRESERVED flag, if no tiling required. hw->eglSwapPreserved(false); } // DrawWormHole/Any Draw has to be within startTile & EndTile if (hasGlesComposition) { if (hasHwcComposition) { if(mCanUseGpuTileRender && !mUnionDirtyRect.isEmpty()) { const Rect& scissor(mUnionDirtyRect); engine.setScissor(scissor.left, hw->getHeight()- scissor.bottom, scissor.getWidth(), scissor.getHeight()); engine.clearWithColor(0, 0, 0, 0); engine.disableScissor(); } else { engine.clearWithColor(0, 0, 0, 0); } } else { if (cur->getCompositionType() != HWC_BLIT && !clearRegion.isEmpty()) { drawWormhole(hw, clearRegion); } } } } #endif for (size_t i=0 ; i<count && cur!=end ; ++i, ++cur) { const sp<Layer>& layer(layers[i]); const Region clip(dirty.intersect(tr.transform(layer->visibleRegion))); if (!clip.isEmpty()) { switch (cur->getCompositionType()) { case HWC_CURSOR_OVERLAY: case HWC_OVERLAY: { const Layer::State& state(layer->getDrawingState()); if ((cur->getHints() & HWC_HINT_CLEAR_FB) && i && layer->isOpaque(state) && (state.alpha == 0xFF) && hasGlesComposition) { // never clear the very first layer since we're // guaranteed the FB is already cleared layer->clearWithOpenGL(hw, clip); } break; } case HWC_FRAMEBUFFER: { layer->draw(hw, clip); break; } case HWC_BLIT: //Do nothing break; case HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET: { // this should not happen as the iterator shouldn't // let us get there. ALOGW("HWC_FRAMEBUFFER_TARGET found in hwc list (index=%zu)", i); break; } } } layer->setAcquireFence(hw, *cur); } #ifdef QCOM_BSP // call EndTile, if starTile has been called in this cycle. if(mGpuTileRenderEnable && (mDisplays.size()==1)) { if(mCanUseGpuTileRender && !mUnionDirtyRect.isEmpty()) { engine.endTileComposition(GL_PRESERVE); } } #endif } else { // we're not using h/w composer for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; ++i) { const sp<Layer>& layer(layers[i]); const Region clip(dirty.intersect( tr.transform(layer->visibleRegion))); if (!clip.isEmpty()) { layer->draw(hw, clip); } } } // disable scissor at the end of the frame engine.disableScissor(); return true; } doComposeSurfaces

依次分析:hasGlesComposition需要Open GL來合成的layer,hasHwcComposition需要HWC來合成的layer。

這2各變量不是互斥的,有同時存在需要Open GL layer & HWC layer。



2)cur ==end 核心實現layer->draw 來完成。

3)cur!=end, 將有hwc來實現。


    if (CC_UNLIKELY(mActiveBuffer == 0)) {
        // the texture has not been created yet, this Layer has
        // in fact never been drawn into. This happens frequently with
        // SurfaceView because the WindowManager can't know when the client
        // has drawn the first time.

        // If there is nothing under us, we paint the screen in black, otherwise
        // we just skip this update.

        // figure out if there is something below us
        Region under;
        const SurfaceFlinger::LayerVector& drawingLayers(
        const size_t count = drawingLayers.size();
        for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; ++i) {
            const sp<Layer>& layer(drawingLayers[i]);
            if (layer.get() == static_cast<Layer const*>(this))
            under.orSelf( hw->getTransform().transform(layer->visibleRegion) );
        // if not everything below us is covered, we plug the holes!
        Region holes(clip.subtract(under));
        if (!holes.isEmpty()) {
            clearWithOpenGL(hw, holes, 0, 0, 0, 1);

    // Bind the current buffer to the GL texture, and wait for it to be
    // ready for us to draw into.
    status_t err = mSurfaceFlingerConsumer->bindTextureImage();
    if (err != NO_ERROR) {
        ALOGW("onDraw: bindTextureImage failed (err=%d)", err);
        // Go ahead and draw the buffer anyway; no matter what we do the screen
        // is probably going to have something visibly wrong.

    bool blackOutLayer = isProtected() || (isSecure() && !hw->isSecure());

    RenderEngine& engine(mFlinger->getRenderEngine());

    if (!blackOutLayer) {
        // TODO: we could be more subtle with isFixedSize()
        const bool useFiltering = getFiltering() || needsFiltering(hw) || isFixedSize();

        // Query the texture matrix given our current filtering mode.
        float textureMatrix[16];

        if (mSurfaceFlingerConsumer->getTransformToDisplayInverse()) {

             * the code below applies the display's inverse transform to the texture transform

            // create a 4x4 transform matrix from the display transform flags
            const mat4 flipH(-1,0,0,0,  0,1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 1,0,0,1);
            const mat4 flipV( 1,0,0,0, 0,-1,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,1,0,1);
            const mat4 rot90( 0,1,0,0, -1,0,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 1,0,0,1);

            mat4 tr;
            uint32_t transform = hw->getOrientationTransform();
            if (transform & NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_ROT_90)
                tr = tr * rot90;
            if (transform & NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_FLIP_H)
                tr = tr * flipH;
            if (transform & NATIVE_WINDOW_TRANSFORM_FLIP_V)
                tr = tr * flipV;

            // calculate the inverse
            tr = inverse(tr);

            // and finally apply it to the original texture matrix
            const mat4 texTransform(mat4(static_cast<const float*>(textureMatrix)) * tr);
            memcpy(textureMatrix, texTransform.asArray(), sizeof(textureMatrix));

        // Set things up for texturing.
        mTexture.setDimensions(mActiveBuffer->getWidth(), mActiveBuffer->getHeight());

    } else {
    drawWithOpenGL(hw, clip, useIdentityTransform);

裡面關鍵就是drawwithOpenGL,可見是由Open GL來合成layer。






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