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Android 2.3中的類新增功能


對於android 2.3來說原始Sun公司的包中的內容也有了改進,File類在API Level為9時多出了很多新特性,比較實用的有:

public long getFreeSpace () 返回這個分區包含這個路徑的剩余空間,如果返回0則表示不存在,下面為SDK原文

Returns the number of free bytes on the partition containing this path. Returns 0 if this path does not exist. Note that this is likely to be an optimistic over-estimate and should not be taken as a guarantee your application can actually write this many bytes

public long getTotalSpace () 返回這個分區包含這個路徑的總共字節,如果返回0則表示不存在,下面為SDK原文

Returns the total size in bytes of the partition containing this path. Returns 0 if this path does not exist

同時還有一些和權限相關的API,感興趣的網友可以在android 2.3的SDK文檔中找到,詳細如下

public boolean setExecutable (boolean executable)

public boolean setReadable (boolean readable)

public boolean setWritable (boolean writable, boolean ownerOnly)

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