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網絡上找了半天,也沒有找正確的Android的測試辦法,最後還是自己琢磨出來的。以前就聽我朋友說過,Android毛病一堆,現在才體會到。Android SDK 和 iphone SDK 比,就不是一個檔次的東西。網上總是有人說,Android還年輕,要體諒。我可不同意,要知道,android都已經出了好幾個版本了,而現在最新的1.5版和iphone sdk的beta版都比不上。


在做android單元測試以前,你需要創建一個新的項目,把要測試的項目包含到Java build path中來。項目中的androidManifest.XML如下(這裡假設你的your.test.package裡面包含你的tests,包含被測試的類):


  1. < ?XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. < manifest XMLns:android=
  3. package="your.tests.package">
  4. < application>
  5. < uses-library android:name="android.test.runner" />
  6. < /application>
  7. < instrumentation android:name=
  8. android:targetPackage=""
  9. android:label="Tests for Api Demos."/>
  10. < /manifest>
  11. < ?XML version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  12. < manifest XMLns:android=
  13. package="your.tests.package">
  14. < application>
  15. < uses-library android:name="android.test.runner" />
  16. < /application>
  17. < instrumentation android:name=
  18. android:targetPackage=""
  19. android:label="Tests for Api Demos."/>
  20. < /manifest>




  1. public class SdcardTest extends androidTestCase {
  2. public void test1(){
  3. // Log.v()
  4. File f=new File("/sdcard");
  5. String[] l=f.list();
  6. this.assertTrue(f.exists());
  7. this.assertTrue(f.isDirectory());
  8. this.assertTrue(f.list().length>0);
  9. }
  10. }
  11. public class SdcardTest extends androidTestCase {
  12. public void test1(){
  13. // Log.v()
  14. File f=new File("/sdcard");
  15. String[] l=f.list();
  16. this.assertTrue(f.exists());
  17. this.assertTrue(f.isDirectory());
  18. this.assertTrue(f.list().length>0);
  19. }
  20. }



  1. public class ForwardingTest extends ActivityUnitTestCase
    < Forwarding> {
  2. private Intent mStartIntent;
  3. private Button mButton;
  4. public ForwardingTest() {
  5. super(Forwarding.class);
  6. }
  7. @Override
  8. protected void setUp() throws Exception {
  9. super.setUp();
  10. // In setUp, you can create any shared test data,
    or set up mock components to inject
  11. // into your Activity. But do not call startActivity()
    until the actual test methods.
  12. mStartIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
  13. }
  14. /**
  15. * The name 'test preconditions' is a convention
    to signal that if this
  16. * test doesn't pass, the test case was not set up
    properly and it might
  17. * explain any and all failures in other tests.
    This is not guaranteed
  18. * to run before other tests, as junit uses
    reflection to find the tests.
  19. */
  20. @MediumTest
  21. public void testPreconditions() {
  22. startActivity(mStartIntent, null, null);
  23. mButton = (Button) getActivity().findVIEwById(;
  24. assertNotNull(getActivity());
  25. assertNotNull(mButton);
  26. }
  27. /**
  28. * This test demonstrates examining the way that
    activity calls startActivity() to launch
  29. * other activitIEs.
  30. */
  31. @MediumTest
  32. public void testSubLaunch() {
  33. Forwarding activity = startActivity(mStartIntent, null, null);
  34. mButton = (Button) activity.findVIEwById(;
  35. // This test confirms that when you click the
    button, the activity attempts to open
  36. // another activity (by calling startActivity)
    and close itself (by calling finish()).
  37. mButton.performClick();
  38. assertNotNull(getStartedActivityIntent());
  39. assertTrue(isFinishCalled());
  40. }
  41. /**
  42. * This test demonstrates ways to exercise the Activity's life cycle.
  43. */
  44. @MediumTest
  45. public void testLifeCycleCreate() {
  46. Forwarding activity = startActivity(mStartIntent, null, null);
  47. // At this point, onCreate() has been called, but nothing else
  48. // Complete the startup of the activity
  49. getInstrumentation().callActivityOnStart(activity);
  50. getInstrumentation().callActivityOnResume(activity);
  51. // At this point you could test for various configuration
    ASPects, or you could
  52. // use a Mock Context to confirm that your activity
    has made certain calls to the system
  53. // and set itself up properly.
  54. getInstrumentation().callActivityOnPause(activity);
  55. // At this point you could confirm that the activity
    has paused properly, as if it is
  56. // no longer the topmost activity on screen.
  57. getInstrumentation().callActivityOnStop(activity);
  58. // At this point, you could confirm that the activity
    has shut itself down appropriately,
  59. // or you could use a Mock Context to confirm that your
    activity has released any system
  60. // resources it should no longer be holding.
  61. // ActivityUnitTestCase.tearDown(), which is always
    automatically called, will take care
  62. // of calling onDestroy().
  63. }
  64. }


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