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 Android教程網 >> Android技術 >> Android開發 >> 初級開發 >> Android畫圖並保存圖片







然後使用Canvas畫第一張圖上去,在畫第二張圖上去,最後使用 flag)的方法進行保存,注意save方法裡面的參數可以保存單個圖層,

如果是保存全部圖層的 話使用 save( Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG )。




* create the bitmap from a byte array


* @param src the bitmap object you want proeCSS

* @param watermark the water mark above the src

* @return return a bitmap object ,if paramter's length is 0,return null


private Bitmap createBitmap( Bitmap src, Bitmap watermark )


String tag = "createBitmap";

Log.d( tag, "create a new bitmap" );

if( src == null )


return null;


int w = src.getWidth();

int h = src.getHeight();

int ww = watermark.getWidth();

int wh = watermark.getHeight();

//create the new blank bitmap

Bitmap newb = Bitmap.createBitmap( w, h, Config.ARGB_8888 );//創建一個新的和SRC長度寬度一樣的位圖

Canvas cv = new Canvas( newb );

//draw src into

cv.drawBitmap( src, 0, 0, null );//在 0,0坐標開始畫入src

//draw watermark into

cv.drawBitmap( watermark, w - ww + 5, h - wh + 5, null );//在src的右下角畫入水印

//save all clip Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG );//保存



return newb;



* create the bitmap from a byte array


* @param src the bitmap object you want proeCSS

* @param watermark the water mark above the src

* @return return a bitmap object ,if paramter's length is 0,return null


private Bitmap createBitmap( Bitmap src, Bitmap watermark )


String tag = "createBitmap";

Log.d( tag, "create a new bitmap" );

if( src == null )


return null;


int w = src.getWidth();

int h = src.getHeight();

int ww = watermark.getWidth();

int wh = watermark.getHeight();

//create the new blank bitmap

Bitmap newb = Bitmap.createBitmap( w, h, Config.ARGB_8888 );//創建一個新的和SRC長度寬度一樣的位圖

Canvas cv = new Canvas( newb );

//draw src into

cv.drawBitmap( src, 0, 0, null );//在 0,0坐標開始畫入src

//draw watermark into

cv.drawBitmap( watermark, w - ww + 5, h - wh + 5, null );//在src的右下角畫入水印

//save all clip Canvas.ALL_SAVE_FLAG );//保存



return newb;





* lessen the bitmap


* @param src bitmap

* @param destWidth the dest bitmap width

* @param destHeigth

* @return new bitmap if successful ,oherwise null


private Bitmap lessenBitmap( Bitmap src, int destWidth, int destHeigth )


String tag = "lessenBitmap";

if( src == null )


return null;


int w = src.getWidth();//源文件的大小

int h = src.getHeight();

// calculate the scale - in this case = 0.4f

float scaleWidth = ( ( float ) destWidth ) / w;//寬度縮小比例

float scaleHeight = ( ( float ) destHeigth ) / h;//高度縮小比例

Log.d( tag, "bitmap width is :" + w );

Log.d( tag, "bitmap height is :" + h );

Log.d( tag, "new width is :" + destWidth );

Log.d( tag, "new height is :" + destHeigth );

Log.d( tag, "scale width is :" + scaleWidth );

Log.d( tag, "scale height is :" + scaleHeight );

Matrix m = new Matrix();//矩陣

m.postScale( scaleWidth, scaleHeight );//設置矩陣比例

Bitmap resizedBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap( src, 0, 0, w, h, m, true );//直接按照矩陣的比例把源文件畫入進行

return resizedBitmap;


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